You are on the porch of the haunted manor. There is a big door in front of you, as well as a little doorbell to the side.
(if: $triedDoor is true)[You see a big [[jack o' lantern]] leering at you]
[[Ring the doorbell]]
[[Try the door]]
You hear a [[spooky trumpet sound]]. Then a sound of rustling bones.
[[Run away]](if: $key < 1)[It's locked.]
(else:)[The door opens, you see a [[skellington->Wait]]]
(set: $triedDoor to true)
[[back->Porch]] A spooky skellington opens the door and asks you to [[dance]].
<img src='' width=300 />
[[Get out of here->Run away]]You ran away<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[back->Ring the doorbell]]<audio autoplay src="" ></audio>
The skeletons have a great time dancing with you. They give you all their money and candy.
<img src='' height=400 />
[[Go back outside->Porch]] You find a [[key->Porch]] in the gross pumpkin guts.
(set: $key to $key + 1)